



This document outlines how we handle your personal information when you interact with our website teqball.ee.

Our contact details are:

Legal Entity Name: Eesti Tekpalli Liit MTÜ

Email: info@teqball.ee

Mailing Address: Lootsi tn 10/2, 10151, Tallinn

Phone: +372 53016404

Representative Contact Information:

Ensuring your personal information is current and accurate is crucial. If there are any changes to your personal information, please inform us by emailing info@teqball.ee.


Personal data refers to any information that can identify a person and does not cover data that has been anonymized.

We collect and process various types of personal data about you, which include:

Communication Data: This encompasses any communication you send to us, be it through our website’s contact form, email, text, social media messaging, postings, or any other means. We use this data to communicate with you, for keeping records, and for establishing, pursuing, or defending legal claims. Our processing is based on legitimate interests, namely to respond to communications, maintain records, and manage legal claims.

Customer Data: This includes information related to purchases of goods and/or services like your name, billing and delivery addresses, email and phone number, payment and purchase details. This data is processed to fulfill orders and keep transaction records, based on the contract between you and us or taking steps at your request to enter into such a contract.

User Data: This covers information on how you use our website and online services, as well as data you post for publication on our site or through other services. We process this data to manage our website, ensure content relevance, maintain website security, back up our site and databases, and facilitate our website and business administration. This processing is carried out under our legitimate interests to properly manage our website and business.

Technical Data: This includes information on your website use and online services such as IP address, login data, browser details, visit lengths, page views, navigation paths, usage frequency, time zone settings, and other device technology used to access our website. This data comes from our analytics tracking system and is processed to analyze website use, manage and protect our business and website, provide relevant content and advertisements, and assess our advertising effectiveness. Our processing basis is our legitimate interests, which are to properly manage our website and business and to strategize for business growth and marketing.

Marketing Data: This comprises data about your marketing and communication preferences. We process this data to manage promotions, deliver relevant content and advertisements, and measure advertising effectiveness. Our processing is based on legitimate interests, namely to study customer usage, develop services, expand our business, and formulate marketing strategies.

Sensitive Data:

We do not collect any Sensitive Data about you, which includes details about race, religion, sexual orientation, political opinions, health information, and criminal convictions.

If we require personal data by law or under contract terms and you fail to provide it, we might not be able to perform the contract (like delivering goods or services). In this case, we might have to cancel a product or service you ordered, which we will notify you about if it occurs.

We use your personal data for its initial purpose or a closely related one. For using it beyond these purposes, we will inform you and explain the legal basis. Processing your data without your knowledge or consent is done only when legally permitted.

We collect your data directly, through form submissions or emails, automatically via cookies and similar technologies (see our cookie policy at https://teqball.ee/privacy-policy), or from third parties and public sources.


We process your personal data for marketing based on your consent or our legitimate business interests. According to Privacy and Electronic Communications Regulations, we may send marketing messages if you are a customer or have opted in, unless you have opted out. Consent is required before sharing your data with third parties for marketing.

You can stop receiving marketing messages at any time by adjusting your preferences on our website, using the opt-out links in messages, or by emailing info@teqball.ee. Opting out of marketing does not apply to data provided through other transactions.


We may share your data with our group companies, service providers, professional advisers, government bodies, or potential business buyers. Third parties must respect your data’s security and comply with the law, processing your data only as instructed by us.


[We do not transfer your personal data outside the European Economic Area (EEA).]

Applicable protections are in place for transfers outside the EEA, ensuring your data’s security.


We have security measures to protect your data from loss, alteration, unauthorized access or use. Access is limited to those with a legitimate need, under strict confidentiality obligations.


Your data is kept as long as necessary for the purposes collected, including legal, accounting, or reporting requirements. We consider various factors when determining retention periods.


You have rights under data protection laws regarding your personal data, such as access, correction, erasure, and others. For more details, visit https://www.dataprotection.ie/docs/GDPR/1623.htm. To exercise your rights, email info@teqball.ee. No fee is generally required for accessing your data, though we may charge for unfounded or excessive requests.

We may need specific information from you to confirm your identity and ensure your right to access your data or execute your rights.

We aim to respond to legitimate requests within one month, which may extend if your request is complex or multiple requests are made. We will notify you in this case.

Complaints about our data practices can be made to the Irish Data Protection Commission at www.dataprotection.ie, but we encourage contacting us first.


Our website may contain links to third-party sites. We are not responsible for their privacy practices. We advise reading their privacy notices when leaving our site.


You can configure your browser to reject cookies or alert you when cookies are sent. Disabling cookies may affect the functionality of certain website parts. For details on our cookie use, visit http://teqball.ee/cookie-policy.